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The Emanuel School Community Consultative Committee (CCC) meets regularly to engage in formal communication with the local community of Randwick.  

We share the School’s plans, initiatives and measures with the local community and also receive feedback in return – listening to and addressing any issues raised by the community.

View our meeting minutes:

Meeting Minutes – 12 September 2022

Meeting minutes – 25 July 2022

Meeting minutes – 16 May 2022

Meeting minutes – 28 March 2022

Meeting minutes – 7 February 2022

Meeting minutes – 8 December 2021

Meeting minutes 25 November 2021

Meeting minutes – 7 October 2021

Meeting minutes – 30 August 2021

Meeting minutes – 9 August 2021

Meeting minutes – 19 July 2021



Emanuel School Randwick – OTMP – February 2022

One should never exclude himself from the community.

Talmud Berakhot 49b:16