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Welcome to our High School



Emanuel School encourages students to love and value learning and to understand that learning is a lifelong journey.
Emanuel School builds in our students a love of learning, encouraging them to take responsibility for their own unique learning story. Our ultimate goal is to develop passionate, independent learners equipped with the skills and dispositions necessary for success in the 21st century.

Our students are encouraged both to problem-solve and problem-find. Deep, critical thinking is valued and ongoing reflection is actively promoted. Students are provided with opportunities to learn about each subject, function as a practitioner and develop cross-curricular skills and understandings that prepare them for their future. Our learning environment promotes engagement in collaborative, real-life learning and builds students’ ability to think innovatively. Our teachers are committed to ongoing professional growth, so as to remain at the forefront of best practice in teaching and learning. They are reflective practitioners, committed to our students’ growth as learners and thinkers.

Emanuel School offers a wide range of subjects from Years 7 - 12, following the NESA (NSW Educational Standards Authority) Syllabuses. Hebrew is compulsory until the end of Year 7, and can also be studied through to the HSC. 

Students take Jewish Studies in Years 7 to 11. 

Students are offered a diverse range of subjects to choose from in Year 10 and Year 11.

There is also the option for students to undertake vocational courses outside the School, and other languages through the NSW School of Languages. 

Links to all syllabuses can be found on the NESA website


At Emanuel, we seek to foster a love of Jewish learning and living.
We strive to build a community of caring and knowledgeable individuals, who experience Judaism as personally engaging and meaningful. With a diverse student body and staff, we honour and promote pluralistic expressions of Judaism as enriching and deepening our shared heritage.

Our inclusive and welcoming school environment serves to nurture responsible and concerned individuals contributing to both our Jewish and world communities.

HSC Results


At Emanuel School, learning about careers is an important step in the lifelong learning process and profile of every student.

Career exploration, progression and transition are cornerstones of the careers program for the senior years. Our Careers Advisor offers one-on-one consultations to inform students about possible careers and tertiary study so that they leave school ready to take on the world and find a fulfilling and varied career.

The Careers Program begins in Year 10 when students undertake career tests, embarking on their personal career exploration process. Students are mentored through High School, exploring career and subject selection pathways in line with their personal interests and strengths. 

Students engage with future thinking through our guest speaker program and Career Space events.

Each week, our Careers Advisor provides students and parents with the latest information about further study and career paths via a page in our school newsletter, Ma Nishma.