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Diverse Learning Opportunities at Emanuel

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We believe in providing high potential learners and gifted students with opportunities to experience the curriculum at a pace, depth and level of complexity that is commensurate with their skills and ability.

Our Advanced Learning Program includes classes in Years 5 and Year 6 that are tailored towards offering these extension provisions. The program is structured in a way that addresses mastery of the core curriculum quickly and then moves to more challenging content and rigorous approaches to learning. 

The Advanced Learning Program has two components and a student may be placed in one or both of these. There is a full class of students in the Advanced Learning Program in Literacy (including the Humanities and Sciences) and another class of students who will receive an Advanced Learning Program in Mathematics. 

What is the Advanced Literacy Program?
What is the Advanced Mathematics Program?
How does the Advanced Learning Program differ from the Core Learning Program?
How can parents determine if the Advanced Learning Program is right for their child?

What is the Advanced Literacy Program?

The Advanced Literacy Program covers the curriculum areas of English, Science and Technology, HSIE (History and Geography) and Personal Development. This program adheres to the same syllabus requirements as the rest of the grade in that the overarching topics are the same, yet there are considerable differences in the Advanced Learning Program which address the complex needs of the high potential learners. The program requires that students can understand, connect and analyse concepts that span across disciplines, that they are avid readers, have a fascination with the world around them and a passion for expanding their knowledge through research and active, rigorous discussion and learning.

What is the Advanced Mathematics Program?

The Advanced Mathematics Program is for students who show exceptional competency in Number Sense, Reasoning and Problem Solving. They demonstrate mastery of the core skills quickly and show a broad application of concepts at grade level and well beyond. These students are exposed to a range of Maths Olympiads and other challenging competitions as well as collaborative problem solving opportunities, ‘Number Talks’ and Maths investigations. As with all classes, the focus on reasoning is emphasised and this fosters conversation about a range of effective strategies, various methodology and evaluating these for their level of efficiency. 

How does the Advanced Learning Program differ from the Core Learning Program?

The main difference between the Advanced Learning Program and the Core Learning Program is that learning can be compacted (sped up or accelerated) and the students are therefore expected to need less repetition. The curriculum is also adapted in a way that is considerably more complex, in depth, abstraction and challenge. Mindful of the need for all students to mix socially across the grade and build friendships within and beyond their classes, opportunities for mixed groups and whole-grade experiences occur throughout both Year 5 and Year 6.

During Hebrew lessons, the students in Year 5 and Year 6 are grouped based upon performance and demonstrated skill. In this way, students who are native Hebrew speakers and students who possess talent and skill in Hebrew may join the extension class without needing to fulfil all the criteria for inclusion in the Advanced Learning Program. Conversely, new students, who may not have had exposure to Hebrew, may be included in the Hebrew program for beginners.

How can parents determine if the Advanced Learning Program is right for their child?

The identification process for the Advanced Learning Program is rigorous. In Year 4, our students are assessed on a range of abilities and aptitude as well as skills in English and Mathematics. The tasks that we administer are a part of our regular assessment schedule and these are considered along with a range of other achievement tests, standardised testing tools and work samples. At this time, we also offer external students the opportunity to apply for the Advanced Learning Program (for entry in Year 5) and this group completes the assessments on the same day of testing as the internal Emanuel students. Students may qualify for the Advanced Learning Program in the Literacy stream or the Mathematics stream or both. The successful external applicants are invited for an interview before final places are offered. Additional assessment results, certificates of achievement in academic competitions and any other relevant evidence gathered externally can be submitted for consideration during this process.

Gifted & Talented Program

The Gifted Program at Emanuel School includes a vast array of evidence-based approaches and models, with the purpose to meet the unique needs of all high potential and gifted learners. A committed team of experienced and informed teachers play a vital role in ensuring that talent development is achieved both in the classroom through quality differentiation, and through a range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities.

These carefully designed provisions to ensure high degrees of intellectual challenge and rigour is provided for gifted learners from Year K-12, through curriculum compacting, acceleration, enrichment, extension, mentoring and a range of grouping structures. In order to achieve this, our teaching staff are continuously up-skilled in gifted education, both internally and through external courses at GERRIC UNSW. 

A variety of identification methods are used to identify the high potential and gifted learners at Emanuel School, including those with a learning disability. This is frequently reviewed and monitored to ensure programs and learning opportunities are delivered to meet each child’s individual learning needs. Furthermore, gifted learners at Emanuel feel part of the School community, where not only their academic needs are met, but they are supported socially through wellbeing programs, mentoring and study skills. Working in partnership with families in an integral aspect of the program, ensuring a nurturing environment where the individual excels.

In my opinion the gifted program at Emanuel is outstanding and a major strength of the School. The support and advice offered by the gifted and talented team to parents along the way as their children progress through the years is absolutely invaluable. The amazing teachers involved in the gifted program are always a step ahead and will do whatever it takes to keep your child stimulated, motivated and engaged in their learning throughout their schooling.

Emanuel parent

The Wolanski Family Specialist Learning Centre

The Wolanski Family Specialist Learning Centre (SLC) provides intervention for students in Years K-12 , whose learning styles and issues may require adjustments to the curricula offered in the mainstream classrooms.

Working in partnership with class and subject teachers, parents and other stakeholders, programs are modified or developed to accommodate students, so that they are able to work towards maximising their learning potential, within what is practical in a mainstream school and the resources available at any one time.


Students who require intervention from the SLC are multi-faceted young people, who also happen to have a learning difficulty or disability and who often have abilities in other areas. The idea is to demystify learning difficulties and barriers and offer appropriate learning and teaching programs to build skills that might be missing or be under-developed. The approach adopted by the SLC team relies on research showing that determination, relationships, resilience and reflection are influential in effective learning and memory. These relate to curriculum matters, interpersonal skills and life goals.


An experienced educational and developmental psychologist and expert teachers assess students’ needs and develop programs to address these. Appropriate support might then be provided through our experienced class and subject teachers, other intervention in the classroom and, less frequently, withdrawal from class for targeted small group lessons. Eligibility for intervention is made on the basis of needs, resources and time available. Where students’ needs fall outside the ambit of the School, collaboration with external specialists, such as speech and occupational therapists and other psychologists is welcomed.


Our quest for continuous improvement means that new techniques, methodologies and software are evaluated and trialled. Where these prove worthwhile, they are adopted and integrated into School programs.

The SLC also offers an after-school program for students in Years 5-12; The Cely Malki After-School Program. Students bring their own homework or Performances of Understanding (PoUs) and are provided with opportunities to receive additional teaching and tutoring within a structured environment, as a complement to school-based teaching and learning.