Leadership at Emanuel
Primary School
Primary School Madrachim
Madrachim play a key role in the leadership of our Primary School.
Our Madrachim are actively involved in co-ordinating different events in the Primary School. They run assemblies and special events, represent the School within the broader community and drive student initiatives. They work with teachers and students to enhance the vibrancy of life at Emanuel School.
Primary School Student Representative Council (SRC)
The Student Representative Council (SRC) provides all students with a voice. Student ideas, suggestions and requests for changes to school practice can be made by the SRC. A major focus of the SRC is Tzedakah, raising funds and awareness of various causes.
Each Year 3-6 class selects two representatives to be part of the Primary SRC each semester. The SRC meets once a fortnight to discuss issues relevant to the Primary School. It is the duty of the SRC representatives to seek input from their class members and to report back following meetings.
Issues with which the SRC have been involved include: organising the Primary School talent show, recycling, collecting donations during charity drives, class sports and play equipment, safety in the playground, and developing and implementing playground routines that promote safe play.
Primary School House System
Years K-6 students are placed into one of three Houses named after renowned Australian Jewish leaders: Monash, Cowen and Wynn. The House system applies to sporting competitions as well as to the weekly points competition. House Captains are selected from Year 6.
High School
Student leadership at Emanuel seeks to empower student voice and agency in School life. In partnership with our student leadership bodies, all students have a collective and collaborative responsibility to lead by example through action.
Student Leadership Values
- Dugma ishit - leading by example through action.
- Hadracha B’shutafut - leadership through partnership and collaboration.
- Collective responsibility - empowering student ownership of School life.
- Student agency - student driven action, voice and advocacy.
- Learn, Lift, Lead - enhancing student experience.
Student Leadership Bodies
Madatzim (young leaders) run the Peer Support Program, where Year 11 students support and guide both Year 7 and Year 8 students. The Peer Support Leaders attend camp with the younger students at the beginning of the year and run a weekly session for the first semester of the year. These lessons are often aimed at promoting belonging, respect, and responsibility.
Nitzavim (those that are standing up) are senior students who feel empowered to take responsibility for the School.
Va'adot (committees) is a student committee structure led by Madrichim and Nitzavim. Va’adot take responsibility for various areas of school life including but not limited to, Tefilah (Prayers), Shabbat, Sport, Environment, Social Action, School Culture.
Madrichim (leaders) are the elected student leadership team that lead the Nitzavim and Va’adot.
High School House System (should this stay?)
The House system helps integrate Jewish Life with mentoring, peer support and student wellbeing, and encourages student interactions and friendships that transcend different Year groups, while also providing opportunities for student leadership.
In the High School students are placed in Houses and join the relevant House Tutor Group. In each year group, there is one Tutor Group in each House (Rabin, Rashi, Szenes and Meir). Tutors (teachers) oversee the general wellbeing of their students and monitor student progress in academic and other domains.
Student leadership opportunities exist within the Houses (Madrichim) and a teacher is assigned as Head of House to oversee the wellbeing of the students in each House as well as the many House events that occur during the year, such as swimming and athletic carnivals, Music festival, inter-House sports and debating and House assemblies.
Jewish Leadership/Hadracha
At Emanuel, we are committed to cultivating leadership within Jewish Life. As students enhance their knowledge and participate in learning, prayer, and the spirited elements of our traditions, they also develop the art of Hadracha—leadership. In high school, students are encouraged to step into leadership roles, contributing to various aspects of school life including Shabbat, Tikkun Olam, Chagim, and Tefilah, fostering a community led by its own members.