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Kornmehl Centre Emanuel Pre-School is a nurturing and vibrant space for children to learn and grow. Believing in the power of holistic education, our approach intertwines the mind, spirit, and being, aligning with our commitment to safety and a sense of belonging.

At Kornmehl Centre Emanuel Pre-School (Kornmehl Pre-School) we believe that all children have the right to experience learning that is engaging and builds success for life. (Early Years Learning Framework). We embrace a holistic approach to teaching and learning, with our priority being to is ensure each child feels safe, secure and supported, with a sense of belonging and the opportunity to flourish and learn.

Kornmehl Pre-school provides a child safe environment by supporting children and young people, their parents, guardians, families, and communities, and by ensuring all staff and volunteers are committed to safeguarding children.

Much of our thinking has been influenced by a range of key active approaches to early childhood, particularly the Reggio Emilia approach, Early Years Bush Connections, the Early Years Learning Framework, National Quality Standard. Our thinking is also shaped by our Jewish Heritage.

We nurture each child’s innate sense of curiosity and wonder, using these attributes to foster a lifelong love of learning and provide a foundation for children to become responsible social citizens of the world.

We believe in the power of collaborative learning, where children work together, plan, engage in shared thinking and ideas, reflect and help their peers. We encourage the development of meaningful and respectful relationships and assist the children to relate effectively to others.

Terry Aizen
Director of Kornmehl Centre Emanuel Pre-school

We engage in intentional teaching that makes learning purposeful, thoughtful and deliberate. This reflective practice is ongoing and enriches decision-making, developing a culture of professional enquiry.

Children’s learning is made visible for families, the wider community and us through different forms of documentation. Their portfolios include anecdotal records, conversations, magic moments, photographs, creative expression, and pedagogical documentation that celebrates each child’s personal dispositions towards learning and displays their achievements and development.

Literacy and numeracy skills are learnt in the context of play and through responsive and intentional teaching.

Each child is treated individually and with respect. We nurture each child’s spirit of inquiry and lifelong love of learning and provide a foundation for them to become responsible citizens of the world.

We see the child as capable, competent, creative, responsible, resourceful and resilient – full of potential, a child who is rich, curious, full of wonder and with a hundred languages – a hundred hands, a hundred thoughts, a hundred ways of thinking, of playing, of speaking, of marvelling, dreaming and seeing (Malaguzzi, L. 1993).

Learning through Play

Play is the “heartbeat” of our Kornmehl Pre-school Program.

It provides opportunities for children to learn as they experiment, explore, discover, create, improvise and imagine. It encourages children to ask questions, solve problems and engage in critical thinking.

We provide the children with a variety of experiences, materials, equipment and time to explore through active involvement. We know that children come to the Kornmehl Centre with a history and wealth of experiences.

Pre-School Jewish Life

Through our daily practice, the children’s knowledge and understanding of the traditions and importance of a Jewish heritage are celebrated and cultivated. Kornmehl Centre Pre-School supports and celebrates diversity, honouring our heritage by providing a rich and unique learning experience that values family, history, traditions and cultures.

Children feel valued as they come together for Kabbalat Shabbat and enjoy the warmth, spirituality and sense of community that this creates. We embrace all Jewish festivals with enthusiasm and teach the values of Miztvot, Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam. In keeping with our ethos, Hebrew is taught by a specialist teacher and it is integrated into the daily life of the Pre-school.

Inclusion, Respect, Social Justice and Acceptance

We strive to connect the children to the land, acknowledging the land on which our Pre-school stands is sacred to the Gadigal people.

Our program includes and supports children and families with diverse abilities and perspectives.We extend this attitude of acceptance and respect to visitors, students and Pre-school staff members.

For us as educators, this also means promoting a greater awareness and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being. We strive to connect the children to the land, acknowledging the land on which our Pre-school stands is sacred to the Gadigal people.

Relationships and Learning

We believe in the power of collaborative learning, where children work together, plan and engage in shared thinking and ideas, reflecting and helping their peers. We value the importance of developing meaningful, respectful and positive relationships.

We believe in the importance of learning to relate to others and that a child’s social and emotional development is as important as his/her cognitive development. At Kornmehl Pre-school, we strive to create a culture of listening together with the children, families and educators, where everyone’s voice is heard, valued and feels they belong.

We acknowledge that families are the most important people in their child’s life and that they have the biggest influence on their child’s learning. It is therefore our priority to work closely and collaboratively with families and children. We encourage an inclusive culture, where children, families and staff communicate effectively and respectfully.

Outdoor Learning

We encourage an awareness of environmental responsibilities and implement practices that contribute to a sustainable future.

Our environment evokes imagination, inspires creativity and supports relationships between children, educators and parents. It is the third teacher, reflecting the interests of the children. Learning areas encourage small group collaboration and independence.

We acknowledge the benefits of children spending significant time in nature, where adventure, risk and challenges enhance the children’s confidence, physical skills, joy and wellbeing. We encourage an awareness of environmental responsibilities and implement practices that contribute to a sustainable future.